The Final Report collects the main outcomes of the EU Social Dialogue Project “Print Your Future: Attracting a new skilled workforce for quality jobs in the European graphic industry” (hereafter “Print Your Future” or “PYF”). The project – which ran from February 2020 to January 20222 was funded by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion.
The overall objective of the project was to promote and strengthen the attractiveness of the printing sector for young people, in order to favour both their entering and staying in the sector. The main goal was thus to implement activities aimed at promoting a modern, innovative and people-centred printing industry, to both inspire and attract future generations but also to retain young workers, including focusing on good working conditions, career development and workforce engagement.
This was done through the continuous development of knowledge and tools to support stakeholders in implementing concrete strategies to recruit and keep the next generation to the printing industry. In particular, the project was split into the following main Work Packages (WP):
- Work Package 1 – Diagnosis: recruitment & employment of young Workers: problems, solutions, best practices & strategy;
- Work package 2 – Capacity building & implementation;
- Work package 3 – Promotion, dissemination & communication tools;
- Work Package 4 – Final conference
The report presents the results of the activities implemented under each Work Package.
Download HERE the full Final Project Report.